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Precautionary Measures

Please note that our office is open as we are deemed an essential service. Infection control and patient safety is our top priority as we work within the firm guidelines of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
Enhanced Infection Control measures are in place and our patients and our colleagues Safety is our first concern. We have  taken the following precautions to ensure we can see you safely
● To maintain social distancing, patients will be requested to preferably wait in their car or outside the office until the start time of their appointment
● Temperature checks will be taken upon arrival
● Hand Sanitizer station is available to our patients at the entrance/ exit point 
● Modifications have been made to the reception area to provide for social 
● Magazines, children's books and other items that are difficult to disinfect have been removed.
● Enhanced medical grade air treatment and filtration equipment has  been installed 
● Mandatory enhanced personal protective equipment for all providers
● Enhanced surface sanitization procedures beyond the latest recommendations 
●The number of patients at any given time in the practice will be limited and staggered. 
● You will be asked to complete a wellness questionnaire when making your appointment and on the day of your appointment
Thank you from all of us at the office for your patience and understanding during this difficult time as work to eliminate our backlog . We look forward to seeing you very soon at your next appointment. Stay healthy and stay safe.
The Dentistry on Derry Team

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Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will contact you to discuss your needs and schedule your appointment.

© Copyright Dentistry on Derry 2020

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